Monday, March 22, 2010

First Blog

So as this is my first time blogging, I thought I would start by giving you a run down of my Mondays.

Day starts normally wake up, go get the paper, have a feed. Watching Sunrise too. Then its into the car and drive to Rockingham for a day at Tafe.

1030-12 is sampling where we collect dirt and stuff and then fill out paper work, super fun :).

12-1230 is the lunch break where we talk music and general guy stuff.

1230-230 I have a free period so I go find a spare computer and catch-up on homeworks.

Then 230-430 is OHS, with the worst lecturer ever.

Then the lovely drive home again.
My nights mostly consist of more homework, work and gaming.

Although tonight is spent making this Blog.

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